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Congressman Joe Courtney Visits CHC in Enfield

Congressman Joe Courtney Visits CHC in Enfield

Wednesday, Congressman Joe Courtney visited the Community Health Center in Enfield, CT for a frank discussion about health care, after participating in two forums about the successes and continued implementation of the Affordable Care Act at other venues in the district.  He was joined by HHS Regional Director Christie Hager as well as several state legislators. This was not the typical dog and pony show focused on a tour of the facilities, photo ops, and sound bites.  Congressman Courtney and…

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Jeff Margolis, founder of the Trizetto Group

Jeff Margolis, founder of the Trizetto Group

Conversations focuses this week on using system science to create a healthcare system that is coordinated, consistent, efficient and based on best practices. Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Jeff Margolis, founder of the Trizetto Group, about his vision for health care– Integrated Healthcare Management– and why this is the right time for a solution based on information technology.

It Takes a Village…to raise the bar on patient care

It Takes a Village…to raise the bar on patient care

At the 4th annual Primary Care Summit held yesterday in Rocky Hill, CHC’s own Dr. Marwan Haddad received the Primary Care Leadership Award. The criteria for the award included mentoring, team medicine, quality improvement, patient safety and advocacy – which, for anyone who knows and has had the pleasure to work with Dr. Haddad, know that he excels in all aspects. Dr. Haddad was recruited to CHC in 2006 and since then he has not only increased access to care…

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Reflecting on World Breastfeeding Week

Reflecting on World Breastfeeding Week

Last week was World Breastfeeding Week, and there was a great discussion at CHC about how best to promote it.  Our Family Wellness Center, which has been offering breastfeeding support for nearly two decades, had a poster up for The Big Latch On.  On our intranet, we set up a discussion page to talk about how we can support mothers that are breastfeeding and many great resources were shared. Most importantly, Bernadette Thomas, who received her doctor of nursing practice…

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CHC Leaders Present in National Forum on Using Data to Drive Quality Improvement

CHC Leaders Present in National Forum on Using Data to Drive Quality Improvement

On July 22, 2011, Clinical Director Margaret Flinter, Chief Medical Officer Nwando Olayiwola, and Chief Quality Officer Daren Andersen presented on a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Health Information Technology and Quality Webinar. The webinar focused on how safety net providers such as health centers and rural providers can generate quality reports and utilize this data for improving healthcare outcomes. CHC has been recognized by HRSA as a leader in the utilization of health information technology and was invited…

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Best Practices Forum – Saturday Liveblogging

Best Practices Forum – Saturday Liveblogging

The final day of Best Practices Forum starts at 9 AM with Employee Wellness Programs: Encouraging Healthy Behaviors, Promoting Healthier Workplaces and Improving Productivity Dan Cave, President and CEO, Nurtur   You can follow the Twitter feed of updates using the hashtag #chcbpf on Twitter or on CoverIrLive