Sharing Best Practices: Lessons from Community Health Centers Coast to Coast

Sharing Best Practices: Lessons from Community Health Centers Coast to Coast

Originally broadcast May 22, 2024 This week we’ve brought together some of the brightest minds who run many of the best and most innovative community health centers across the country. From Long Island to San Francisco, community health centers served over 31 million patients last year. How are they keeping pace with their success while always working to improve the quality of the care? The guests are part of the Community Health Best Practices network and serve as CEOs of…

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Black Women Taking Steps to Health: Funder & Nonprofit Explain How

Black Women Taking Steps to Health: Funder & Nonprofit Explain How

Originally published May 16, 2024 Join us for a unique conversation with an innovative nonprofit leader and the grantmaker who’s helping support her efforts. Morgan Dixon is the co-founder and CEO of GirlTREK, which she calls a “life-saving sisterhood.” Their campaign seeks to heal intergenerational trauma, fight systemic racism, and transform Black lives by organizing women walking teams. While participants walk, they also mobilize community members to support advocacy efforts and lead a Civil Rights-inspired health movement. The Community Health…

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How Could Medical Racism Fuel Soaring Black Youth Suicide Rate? Answers and Solutions

How Could Medical Racism Fuel Soaring Black Youth Suicide Rate? Answers and Solutions

Black children ages 5 to 12 are twice as likely to die by suicide as their white counterparts, and the rate of suicides among Black teens is rising faster than any other racial/ethnic group. Those statistics are alarming to most people, but they’re not surprising to Yale Child Study Center (YCSC) Chief Resident and Child Psychiatry Fellow Dr. Amanda J. Calhoun. “Experiences of anti-Black racism affect kids before they are even born,” says Dr. Calhoun. The stress of anti-Black racism…

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Can Health Care Policy Take a Page from Recent Bipartisan Efforts?

Can Health Care Policy Take a Page from Recent Bipartisan Efforts?

Originally broadcast on May 2, 2024 In the wake of recent bipartisan policy wins in Washington, can health care policy follow suit? Dr. Anand Parekh, chief medical advisor at the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), spoke with hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter about how the best solutions emerge from a solid understanding of the issues and the eventual give-and-take of political opponents. For example, The Milbank Memorial Fund’s 2024 Scorecard Report of The Health of U.S. Primary Care declared that…

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An Environmental Psychiatrist Explains Earth Anxiety As We Celebrate Earth Day

An Environmental Psychiatrist Explains Earth Anxiety As We Celebrate Earth Day

As we mark Earth Day, we have just experienced the hottest March on record. But climate change’s impact isn’t stopping with the weather; it’s also affecting our mental health, says Dr. Gary Belkin, director of the Billion Minds Project at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. Climate anxiety, which refers to having distressing feelings related to climate change impacts, is increasingly prevalent in communities where the impact is the most severe.   And the problem is only getting worse. …

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Why NIH’s Dr. Collins Accompanies Opera’s Renee Fleming in Highlighting Music & Mind’s Power

Why NIH’s Dr. Collins Accompanies Opera’s Renee Fleming in Highlighting Music & Mind’s Power

What happens when music therapists and neuroscientists team up? Patients win, says Dr. Francis Collins. From adults with Parkinson’s disease to children with autism, music has the power to help people walk, talk, ease pain and so much more. Dr. Collins recently stepped down from his role as the longest-serving director of National Institutes of Health. As he faces a personal battle against prostate cancer, he’s exploring the promising impact that music and art therapy could hold for patients with…

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