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Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Chair of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, UPenn

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Chair of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, UPenn

This week, Mark and Margaret speak with Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Vice Provost for Global Initiatives and chair of medical ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Emanuel served as special advisor for health policy for the Obama Administration assisting in the formulation of the Affordable Care Act and discusses the law’s potential impact on population health .

Dr. Francis Collins, Director of NIH

Dr. Francis Collins, Director of NIH

This week, Mark and Margaret speak with Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health about the broad scope of research underway at NIH as well as his previous work leading the team that mapped the human genome, for which he won the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

A Little Story from Our New Britain Office

A Little Story from Our New Britain Office

Today, I received an email from our New Britain office which is a great reminder of the importance of what we do. I am in New Britain covering today and I saw an older gentleman for a blood pressure check. He has only been here once before, about 2 weeks ago for an initial visit with one of our nurse practitioner residents.  He is uninsured, so she prescribed a blood pressure medication through the 340B program.  Within two weeks his…

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Talking with children about the recent school shooting in Sandy Hook 12/14/12

Talking with children about the recent school shooting in Sandy Hook 12/14/12

The following is a message from Dr. Tim Kearney, Chief Behavioral Health Officer, Community Health Centers, Inc. All of us as parents and those who work with children wish that we could protect them from the knowledge of the tragedies that occur in the world around them and from the impact that this knowledge has on them. Unfortunately we cannot; especially in this age of constant news feeds and social media.  We must therefore help them to develop the skills to…

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Dr. Molly Coye, Chief Innovation Officer, UCLA Health System

Dr. Molly Coye, Chief Innovation Officer, UCLA Health System

This week, Mark and Margaret speak with Dr. Molly Coye, Chief Innovation Officer of the UCLA Health System. Dr. Coye discusses broad reaching transformations underway at UCLA Health that are utilizing innovative technology and team-based medicine to yield better health outcomes for their patient population, while reducing costs within the system.

New Nurse Practitioner in Residency Profile – Elizabeth Wytychak

New Nurse Practitioner in Residency Profile – Elizabeth Wytychak

Meet Elizabeth Wytychak, a new Nurse Practitioner in Residency at CHC!   –          Can you tell us a bit about your educational background? I went to undergrad at Occidental College in Los Angeles, where I majored in Cognitive Science.  I then joined the direct-entry RN to MSN program at Yale School of Nursing, where I studied to become a Family Nurse Practitioner. –          What about joining CHC most excites you? I am thrilled to be part of a team that…

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