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Category: CHC Radio

From Hurricane Harvey to Health Reform, Mike Consedine, CEO of National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Talks Challenges and Opportunities

From Hurricane Harvey to Health Reform, Mike Consedine, CEO of National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Talks Challenges and Opportunities

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Mike Consedine, CEO of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners who regulate insurance matters in all fifty States. Mr. Consedine points to Hurricane Harvey as a solid reminder of the need for Congress to renew the National Flood Insurance Program, and talks about challenges Insurance Commissioners are facing in in light of uncertainty over health policy in Washington. He also addresses coming technology trends and cyber security threats to the…

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Medicaid Expert Matt Salo Discusses Looming Challenges for Nation’s Medicaid Directors

Medicaid Expert Matt Salo Discusses Looming Challenges for Nation’s Medicaid Directors

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Matt Salo, Executive Director of the National Association of State Medicaid Directors which represents the nation’s 56 state and territorial Medicaid Directors. Mr. Salo discusses Medicaid’s complex patient population of 76 million Americans, the impact of the ACA on the program, and how uncertainty over Washington health policy is cause for concern for those who administering the program.

Health Tech Entrepreneur Dave Chase on Next Wave of Innovation to Disrupt Health Care

Health Tech Entrepreneur Dave Chase on Next Wave of Innovation to Disrupt Health Care

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Dave Chase, CEO of the Health Rosetta institute and author of “The CEO’s Guide to Restoring the American Dream: How To Deliver World Class Health Care to Your Employees at Half the Cost”. Mr. Chase discusses the emerging high tech/high touch trend of Health 3.0, the need to pursue the ‘quadruple aim’ in health innovation and the growing influence of millennials in health care transformation.

UCSF Computer Scientist Dr. Atul Butte, On Quest to Transform Health Care Through Big Data

UCSF Computer Scientist Dr. Atul Butte, On Quest to Transform Health Care Through Big Data

This week, Hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Dr. Atul Butte, the Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg Distinguished Professor at the University of California, where he is Director of the Institute for Computational Sciences. Dr. Butte is spearheading new approaches to harnessing existing medical and research data to improve health care through more robust data analysis.

V-BID Health Co-Founder Dr. Mark Fendrik on Value Based Insurance Design

V-BID Health Co-Founder Dr. Mark Fendrik on Value Based Insurance Design

This week hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak Dr. Mark Fendrick, co-creator of the concept of Value Based Insurance Design (V-BID) which seeks to re-structure health insurance design to pay more for high value health care that improves health and pay less for high cost, low yield health interventions. Dr. Fendrick discusses the launch of V-BID Health which is providing systems support for Tricare, Medicare Advantage and state employee insurance plans across the country and is gaining widespread bipartisan…

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