Body Image
“You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.”
– Amy Bloom

Beauty is more than your size, your height, your hair, or your skin color. Beauty is about how you feel, it is about knowing you have value.
“I Have Value”
Gabourey Sidibe, Actress: Precious, The Big C, American Horror Story
Melissa McCarthy, Actress: Bridesmaids, The Heat, St. Vincent

“A recent article referred to me as “America’s plus-size sweetheart.” It’s like I’m managing to achieve all this success in spite of my affliction. I always find that interesting, because it’s like, would you ever do that to a male comedian considered overweight? Would you ever put that in the headline for a male star? I feel like it would never happen. And it’s not that it’s not a fact about me, but I don’t know what the obsession is with pointing it out. Because when that happens, I do feel like someone is saying, “Well, good for her, she’s doing well despite her troubled blah blah blah…” It blows my mind. My weight? It is what it is. Like most people, I know, it’s like, you gain a little, you lose a little. You have a good hair year, a bad hair year… your entire life [has] ups and downs. And you could get hit by a bus tomorrow. It’s about being content. And sometimes other priorities win.”
“The Oscars were a perfect time to take off my wig.”
Viola Davis, Actress: The Help, Ender’s Game
“Dove Real Beauty Sketches”
“Labels Don’t Define You”
Why Thinking You’re Ugly is Bad for You- Meaghan Ramsey