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Category: CHC Radio

GOP Health Economist Dr. Gail Wilensky Explores the Future of Health Reform under the Trump Administration

GOP Health Economist Dr. Gail Wilensky Explores the Future of Health Reform under the Trump Administration

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Dr. Gail Wilensky, Senior Fellow at the Center for Health Affairs at Project Hope, GOP health economist and former Administrator for the Health Care Financing Administration under President George H. W. Bush. Dr. Wilensky examines the likely changes coming to the Affordable Care Act under the Trump Administration and GOP-controlled Congress.

Health Care Transformation Task Force Chair Dr. Richard Gilfillan on Value-Based Care Policies Trump and Congress Must Consider

Health Care Transformation Task Force Chair Dr. Richard Gilfillan on Value-Based Care Policies Trump and Congress Must Consider

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Dr. Richard Gilfillan, CEO of Trinity Health and Chair of the Health Care Transformation Task Force, a consortium of health industry leaders committed to improving health care in the US. Dr. Gilfillan discusses the need for continued support for value-based health care delivery improvements from Congress and the Trump Administration.

Former CMS Administrator Dr. Mark McClellan Examines Trump Health Policies, Community Health Centers, Pharmaceutical Industry, and Innovation

Former CMS Administrator Dr. Mark McClellan Examines Trump Health Policies, Community Health Centers, Pharmaceutical Industry, and Innovation

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter talk with Dr. Mark McClellan who served as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Commissioner of the FDA under President George W. Bush.  He talks about the probable impact of shifting health policies in the Trump administration, their potential impact on the health care system and how community health centers are likely to play a more vital role in delivering primary care.

Trump’s Nominee for VA Secretary, Dr. David Shulkin, Discusses Veteran’s Health Care

Trump’s Nominee for VA Secretary, Dr. David Shulkin, Discusses Veteran’s Health Care

This week, Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter talk with President Elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Dr. David Shulkin.  Dr. Shulkin is currently the Under Secretary for Health at the US Department of Veterans Affairs.  He talks about the challenges he has faced coming from the private sector, the important role the VA health care system, as well as the role other issues like housing play in health care.

Health Policy Expert Timothy Jost Anticipates Significant Setbacks With Repeal of ACA

Health Policy Expert Timothy Jost Anticipates Significant Setbacks With Repeal of ACA

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with health policy expert Timothy Jost, Emeritus Professor of Law at Washington and Lee University School of Law, and frequent contributor to Health Affairs. Professor Jost examines multiple gains made in health insurance coverage and access to care under the Affordable Care Act and the potential losses to millions of Americans with repeal and replace of the ACA.

Leading Neuroscientist Dr. Adam Gazzaley Talks Drug-Free Brain Health Treatments Using Virtual Reality and Video Games

Leading Neuroscientist Dr. Adam Gazzaley Talks Drug-Free Brain Health Treatments Using Virtual Reality and Video Games

This week hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with renowned neuroscientist Dr. Adam Gazzaley, Director of the Neuroscience Imaging Center and Gazzaley Lab at UC San Francisco. Dr. Gazzaley discusses his closed loop system designed to improve brain function through personalized game design and feedback, which are already undergoing FDA clinical trials for therapeutic interventions for a number of brain disorders including ADHD, aging brain, PTSD and addiction.