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Category: CHC Radio

Former HealthCare.Gov CMO Josh Peck Launches Get America Covered to Fill ACA Marketing Gap

Former HealthCare.Gov CMO Josh Peck Launches Get America Covered to Fill ACA Marketing Gap

  This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Joshua Peck, Co-Founder of Get America Covered,  @GetUSCovered, a non-profit entity launched by former employees of, to fill a marketing  void in this year’s shortened Open Enrollment under the Affordable Care Act. Mr. Peck discusses the millions of Americans who qualify for subsidies to offset the cost of insurance and the star power he’s assembled to help get the word out. Managing Director Ted Robertson on Transformational Potential Applying Behavioral Design in Healthcare Managing Director Ted Robertson on Transformational Potential Applying Behavioral Design in Healthcare

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Ted Robertson, Managing Director of Ideas42, a non-profit design firm that applies the disciplines of behavioral economics and behavioral design to develop scalable solutions to transform systems in health care, government, civic and corporate entities. Mr. Reynolds discusses their recent report for the Commonwealth Fund that explores the potential for transforming health care by applying behavioral economics principals and deploying behavioral design teams.   

Is Blockchain Poised to Disrupt Health Care? MintHealth’s Founder Dr. Samir Damani Thinks So

Is Blockchain Poised to Disrupt Health Care? MintHealth’s Founder Dr. Samir Damani Thinks So

Is Blockchain Poised to Disrupt Health Care? Mark Masselli and Dr. Samir Damani Thinks So Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter Discuss What Blockchain is Technology and How Will it Disrupt Health Care Conversations on Health Care hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter discuss an important and possibly confusing topic–blockchain technology and health care. What is It? Though it sounds more like relating to DNA strands or chemical analysis, blockchain is actually a way to structure and secure information. While principles…

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Connected Health Expert Dr. Joseph Kvedar of Partners Health on Potential Impact of Technology on Caring for Aging Population

Connected Health Expert Dr. Joseph Kvedar of Partners Health on Potential Impact of Technology on Caring for Aging Population

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Dr. Joseph Kvedar, VP of Connected Health at Partners Health Care in Boston, where they’re developing a new model of technology-enabled care by connecting the clinic to patient’s lives. Dr. Kvedar discusses his recent book, “The New Mobile Age: How Technology Will Extend The Healthspan and Optimize the Lifespan” which examines game changing potential for technology to help manage care for an aging population.

Leading Cancer Researcher Dr. Michael Caligiuri On Coming Breakthroughs in Cancer Therapies

Leading Cancer Researcher Dr. Michael Caligiuri On Coming Breakthroughs in Cancer Therapies

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Dr. Michael Caligiuri, President of the American Association for Cancer Research representing 37 thousand cancer researchers worldwide. Dr. Caligiuri is also Director of the Ohio State Comprehensive Cancer Center and discusses breakthroughs in genomics, immunotherapy and prevention that are powerful weapons in the war on cancer.

Los Angeles Health Director Dr. Mitchell Katz Talks Lessons Learned in LA That Have Improved Population Health

Los Angeles Health Director Dr. Mitchell Katz Talks Lessons Learned in LA That Have Improved Population Health

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Dr. Mitchell Katz, Director of Health for the City of Los Angeles, who is taking over the New York City Health System in January. Dr. Katz helped transform the LA system to provide more robust support for primary care, housing the chronically homeless to improve health outcomes and costs, and embedding mental health services within the public health system.