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Category: CHC Radio

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper on Bipartisanship, the Opioid Crisis, Community Health Centers, Lessons Learned from Legalized Marijuana, and Presidential Interest

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper on Bipartisanship, the Opioid Crisis, Community Health Centers, Lessons Learned from Legalized Marijuana, and Presidential Interest

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper who discusses how expanded coverage under the ACA has improved access to health care in his state, how embedding behavioral health in primary care is improving outcomes, and how they’re fighting the opioid crisis. He addresses lessons learned from the state’s marijuana legalization, and his bipartisan campaign with Governor Kasich of Ohio to promote sound health policies on the federal level including funding for CHIP, Community…

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From ACA Repeal Attempts to Natural Disasters and Health Tech Breakthroughs, a Look Back at 2017

From ACA Repeal Attempts to Natural Disasters and Health Tech Breakthroughs, a Look Back at 2017

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter look back on a tumultuous year in health policy, natural disasters, and disruptive breakthroughs with technology in health care. They revisit conversations with some memorable guests including GOP strategists Lanhee Chen and Michael Leavitt on the Trump Administration’s approach to health reform, American Telemedicine Association President Peter Yellowlees, and American Well co-founders Roy and Ido Schoenberg, who have partnered with Apple and Stanford Medicine in the groundbreaking Apple Heart Study.

Remembering a Giant in Health Economics: Our Interview with Uwe Reinhardt

Remembering a Giant in Health Economics: Our Interview with Uwe Reinhardt

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter remember a giant who has influenced much of the landscape of health economics and policy in America, Dr. Uwe Reinhardt, who passed away this year. They revisit a 2015 interview with the renowned Princeton health economist who contributed significantly to health policy over the past several decades, including in the creation of the Affordable Care Act.

American Well Co-Founders Drs. Roy and Ido Schoenberg on Apple Heart Study and the Future of Telemedicine

American Well Co-Founders Drs. Roy and Ido Schoenberg on Apple Heart Study and the Future of Telemedicine

This week hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with brothers Dr. Roy Schoenberg and Dr. Ido Schoenberg, co-founders of the telehealth company American Well which is partnering with Apple and Stanford on the ground-breaking Apple Heart Study, using the Apple Watch to detect the presence of atrial fibrillation. The Schoenbergs discuss the telemedicine component their company will provide and how this may signal a pivotal moment for telehealth.

California Health Care Foundation CEO Dr. Sandra Hernandez Says Tackling Big Public Health Issues Like Opioids and HIV Benefited from Expanded ACA Coverage

California Health Care Foundation CEO Dr. Sandra Hernandez Says Tackling Big Public Health Issues Like Opioids and HIV Benefited from Expanded ACA Coverage

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Dr. Sandra Hernandez, President and CEO of the California Health Care Foundation which is dedicated to improving health care for all California Citizens, especially the most vulnerable. She talks about CHCF’s initiatives to combat the opioid crisis, poor maternal outcomes and HIV/AIDS and how a coordinated health care infrastructure and expanded access to care for all citizens are improving outcomes.

ABIM Foundation’s Daniel Wolfson Analyzes Impact of Choosing Wisely Campaign at 5 Years

ABIM Foundation’s Daniel Wolfson Analyzes Impact of Choosing Wisely Campaign at 5 Years

This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Daniel Wolfson, CEO of the ABIM Foundation of the American Board of Internal Medicine, five years into their “Choosing Wisely” campaign, which seeks to minimize waste in health care. Mr. Wolfson discusses the growing number of medical entities in 20 countries now committed to reducing unnecessary prescriptions, diagnostic tests and elective procedures that not only add billions of dollars to health care costs but lead to patient harm as well.