Colorectal Cancer Rising for Millennials & Gen Z: How to Reverse the Trend

Colorectal Cancer Rising for Millennials & Gen Z: How to Reverse the Trend

Originally broadcast February 15, 2024

About 1 in 5 colorectal patients are now under the age of 55, and colorectal cancer is now the leading cause of cancer death for men under age 50 and the second for women under 50.

During Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, we present this encore presentation of our interview with Dr. Alan Venook. Dr. Venook is with the University of California-San Francisco and is one of the nation’s leading colorectal cancer researchers. He explained to “Conversations on Health Care” hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter what it will take to reverse the rise in cases among young people.

Dr. Venook also talked about his research that found there’s no correlation in colorectal cancer patient survival or the risk of recurrent cancer over time with less radiation—a finding that goes against conventional wisdom.

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