
On the Outside Looking Out

Courtesy of http://www.rookiemag.com/










I did my most serious studying in high school in the weeks before my freshman year had even begun. The morning after Labor Day, my bedroom floor was littered with the most recent issues of every teen magazine imaginable. I had mined them for tips on the clothes I was supposed to wear…

Courtesy of mkh4990.tumblr.com

Courtesy of f!%$yeahladygaga.tumblr.com

The Crisis Text Line provides support for young people in crisis.

According to their website they provide “free, 24/7, emotional support and information…via text.”  There are additional resources for bullying, depression, domestic violence, LGBTQIA Support, etc.

To use this resource: Text “START’ to 741-741.

Courtesy of http://www.hdwallpapers-3d.com/anti-bullying-quotes/anti-bullying-quotes-hd-wallpaper-19/
Courtesy of
Courtesy of stopbullying.tumblr.com
Courtesy of joshutchersonn.tumblr.com
Courtesy of joshutchersonn.tumblr.com