Starting tomorrow, we will be posting fun, weekly profiles of the new HealthCorps Navigators (formerly known as AmeriCorps members), Nurse Practitioner Residents,…
Today, Friday, September 21st, was the 7th annual Run @ Work day, sponsored by the Road Runners Club of America. …
Tomorrow, over 50 staff from CHC will participate in the 17th annual Stand Down at the Connecticut Veterans Home in…
This week, Mark and Margaret speak with Sarah Kliff, Senior Health Correspondent for the Washington Post and Wonkblog, the daily…
Entering into a new stage of life can be daunting, overwhelming, confusing and frustrating. As a recent college graduate, I…
This week, Mark and Margaret speak with Lynn Quincy, Senior Health Policy Analyst for Consumers Union, the policy branch of…
There are a lot of reasons people don’t get their flu shots. They’re too busy. They have some medical issue…
This week, Mark and Margaret speak with Darrell West, Founder and Director of the Center for Technology Innovation at the…
On Wednesday, August 29th, Amy Taylor from our Stamford site, literary went above and beyond by stepping out over the…
This week, Mark and Margaret speak with former Vermont Governor and Democratic National Committee Chairman Dr. Howard Dean. Governor Dean…