HealthCorps Navigator Profile – Nadine Byers

12 years ago

Meet Nadine Byers, a HealthCorps Navigator serving in the Early Detection Program at CHC, Inc. !    -          Can you tell us…

David Gergen, Sr Political Analyst CNN

12 years ago

This week, Mark and Margaret speak with David Gergen, Sr. Political Analyst for CNN, Director of the Center for Public…

National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day

12 years ago

Across the country, last Friday, the longest night of the year, people stopped to remember homeless people that have died.…

Books to Help Your Child Cope With Tragedy

12 years ago

Here is a list of books to help your child cope with tragedy, provided by Alison Urban, Social Worker/Behavioral Health Clinician…

Coping With Disaster In Our Community

12 years ago

As part of our ongoing efforts to help the people of Connecticut cope with the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary…

Dr.Patricia Mechael, Executive Director of the mHealth Alliance

12 years ago

This week, Mark and Margaret speak with Dr. Patricia Mechael, Executive Director of the mHealth Alliance. Hosted by the United…

Continuing the Discussion about Mental Health

12 years ago

Over the past few days, there has been increased discussion about mental health in our country after the shooting at…

Nurse Practitioner in Residency Profile – Amanda DeCew

12 years ago

Meet Amanda DeCew, a Nurse Practitioner in Residency at CHC, Inc.! - Can you tell us a bit about your educational…

Talking with children about the recent school shooting in Sandy Hook

12 years ago

Many people have been telling us that they have found the talking points that Dr. Tim Kearney, Chief Behavioral Health Officer,…

Talking to Adults About the Sandy Hook Shootings: Ways to Help

12 years ago

On Friday,  Dr. Tim Kearney, Chief Behavioral Health Officer, Community Health Centers, Inc. shared information about Talking with children about the recent…