It isn’t everyday you get to be on the front lines of history being made. It isn’t everyday that you get to participate in an event that will help make people’s lives better. When you get to do both, at the same time, it is a special occasion.
On Tuesday, October 1st, CHC assisted uninsured people in enrolling in new health insurance plans made available through AccessHealthCT. We had outreach and eligibility specialists, trained by AccessHealthCT helping people with the enrollment process. We had technologists who made sure we have a room full of computers available for uninsured people to use. We had members of our facilities and communications teams making sure the room festively welcomed our guests. We had senior leadership of CHC, together with the Mayor of New Britain, provide welcoming remarks, not only for the uninsured, but from members of the media that came to witness.
Yet perhaps what mattered most were the tears of joy from people who have worked but never been able to afford health insurance, until now.
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