Happy Friday All!! Before we continue with today’s blog, please keep in mind that the Health Insurance Marketplace opens in only 12 days!!! For those who are still confused in regards to the Marketplace and their role within the system, please join us next Wednesday (9/25/13) from 3PM to 4PM over Twitter as we chat about the Affordable Care Act and answer as many questions as possible. You can participate in the chat by simply including #hcsmct, at the conclusion of each tweet. Remember healthcare is a right, not a privilege (personal kudos for including our slogan in the blog… Mark and Margaret would be happy). Transitioning to the subject of my blog post today, as I explained last week every Friday I will be highlighting a different member of the CHC community. For today’s post I thought it would be a good idea to focus on another AmeriCorps member, as we are fairly new to the organization. With that said will the real Louis Gregory, please stand up… (Eminem reference, sorry if you didn’t get it).
Where are you from? Tell us more about yourself on a personal level.
My name is Louis Gregory and I’m from Queens, NY, Bayside specifically. I am Italian-American and split my college experience between the College of Albany and SUNY Stonybrook. One thing interesting about me is that I was named after my grandfather who came to this country off the boat. He docked Ellis Island named Luigi Gregorio and moved into the city named Louis Gregory. I enjoy electronic style music but particularly enjoy Trapt music (a style of electronic rhythms).
At what department store would you like to max-out your credit card at? Why?
If I could max-out my credit card anywhere, I would probably do it at Bergdorf Goodman. They provide a personalized shopping service which makes things easier to see and they really focus on each consumer, making sure their needs are met.
What are 3 high priority things still left on your bucket list?
What do you do here at CHC and how will it better your future expectations and goals?
Here at the Community Health Center, I am an Access to Care Navigator. In other words, I am in charge of reaching out to the community in regards to informing others on all the different, unique services CHC offers. Additionally, I work with a team to raise awareness on the Affordable Care Act initiatives and help those in need get started on enrolling within different health coverage plans. As I explained before, I really want to work with the underprivileged and in short revolutionize healthcare within countries in need. Therefore long term, I would like to start my own non-profit organization and establish a series of different clinics focused on both primary and behavioral aspects to ultimately deploy to those areas of need.
Who are you a closet fan of?
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