Welcome All,
TGIF! My name is Sagar Parekh and I will be serving at the Community Health Center for the next year under the AmeriCorps program. Specifically, I will be working in the communications department, and for those who knew Pat Wildes, I will be continuing where he left off. One aspect of the job involves actively posting blogs here! Upon submission to the site, I will advertise it on both our Twitter account as well as Facebook (so if you haven’t already please LIKE our page “CHC Community Healthcorps” and don’t forget to follow us @CommunityHealthCorps) Additionally, please email me with topic suggestions or any sort of critique you have in regards to the blogs posted, this is my first time keeping up with a blog so I welcome all suggestions (parekhs@chc1.com)! Every Friday, my plan is to highlight an employee at CHC. Indirectly, this way, you will get to know your fellow members at CHC and hopefully you will further your relationship with that individual! So, welcome to the first Friday blog post of the year. Today I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself along the guidelines of asking myself a number of different questions. Enjoy.
Where you from? Tell us more about your background.
I was born at Middlesex Hospital in Middletown, CT but lived most of my life in Oakdale, CT (New London County). I attended the Williams School in New London before heading down to Miami for undergrad. I attended the University of Miami while double majoring in Finance and Marketing. My father was born in Kampala, Uganda while my mother’s side initially resided in Germany. I am a Hindu and although I am not very religious, I do believe in spirituality. My immediate family consists of my parents and my younger brother, named Rohan, while my extended family ranges over 20 others! We are a very close knit family and can be A LOT of fun.
At what department store would you like to max-out your credit card at?
Zara. Amancio Ortega, along with his incredible team at Inditex, is the most effective, efficient, innovative company I have seen. They haven’t just raised the bar in fashion, the group have raised it to the point of no competition, as no other company has been able to figure out how to do it like them. They have mastered the perfect ratio of quality and price as they present designer quality of clothes for prices best suited for the middle-class.
Would you swap lives with Justin Bieber?
No, just no.
What are 3 high priority things still left on your bucket list?
Finish the following statement as if you were 10 years old: When I grow up I want to be a __________?
Professional baseball player and nobody could tell me otherwise. With that said, I also thought I wanted to become a doctor.
Who are you a closet fan of?
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