Meet Grace Capreol, a new HealthCorps Navigator serving as an Emerging Technologies Coordinator at CHC!
Can you tell us a bit about your educational background?
– I studied Exercise Science at the University of Delaware for two years, but transferred to the University of Connecticut and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Allied Health Science.
What about joining CHC most excites you?
– The opportunity to serve in and learn about the varying aspects of health care from administrative work, to clinical experiences, to health policy studies.
If not seeing patients/serving at CHC you would rather be _____________?
– Rowing
What musical artist currently dominates your iPod?
– Train!
Do you have a unique talent?
– Not really, but I have extreme hitch-hiker thumbs that can bend behind my pointer finger.
What is your favorite sports team?
What is your current favorite movie?
– This is always the hardest question…but I would have to say The Avengers.
What is your dream job?
– My dream job would be a World Photographer! I love the idea of traveling for new perspectives and amazing vistas.
What is one thing you would like the CHC team to know about you?
– I may be shy and quiet at first, but get to know me and my loud, Long-Islander comes out. 😀
Also, Thursday, October 11th is Grace’s birthday! Wish her a good one if you see her!
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