Community Health Center is proud to join with the African American Health Council of Southeastern Connecticut, the Commission on African American Affairs, the Commission on Asian American Affairs, the Commission on Health Equity, Connecticut Association of Directors of Health, the Connecticut Multicultural Health Partnership, the Hispanic Health Council, Health Justice CT, Ledge Light Health District and the University of Connecticut Health Center, School of Medicine, Community Based Education Office in sponsoring Health Justice Town Hall Meeting 2012
The meeting will be taking place via a video conference call connecting the Legislative Office Building in Hartford with our sites in Middletown and New London. The town hall will also be streamed by CT-N.
Guests are encouraged to arrive early, starting at 5, with the video stream starting at 5:30.
If you can’t make it to our Hartford, or our sites in Middletown or New London, you can watch the town hall on CT-N’s Website.
Twitter users are also encouraged to participate, using the #hjtownhall hastag
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