Today’s ruling by the Supreme Court that upholds the Affordable Healthcare law, with the exception that the federal government’s power to terminate states’ Medicaid funds will have a far-reaching impact on healthcare providers, especially for those who work with underserved populations.
If you are looking for a resource to explain the significance of this ruling and who brings deep experience in the workings for the healthcare system, we have such a person. Dr. J. Nwando Olayiwola is the Chief Medical Officer of Community Health Center, Inc, one of the state’s largest providers of healthcare services to underserved populations. She is also the director of CHC’s new Institute for Community Health Policy, based on her extensive state and federal health policy experience as well as formal health policy training at the Harvard School of Public Health. In addition, Dr. Olayiwola is a family practice physician.
For over 40 years, CHC has been caring for special populations, focusing on improving health outcomes for its patients as well as building healthy communities. In her role as Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Olayiwola is responsible for clinical performance goals for CHC’s physicians, advanced practice nurse practitioners and other providers. She is also the medical leader for the organization, coordinating clinical care, research and development, teaching, and quality improvement initiatives, ultimately aiming to incorporate public health initiatives into daily practice.
Dr. Olayiwola is available for interviews that will begin the process of understanding the impact of this decision. If you are interested in speaking with her, contact:
Paul Mayer
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