Last week was World Breastfeeding Week, and there was a great discussion at CHC about how best to promote it. Our Family Wellness Center, which has been offering breastfeeding support for nearly two decades, had a poster up for The Big Latch On. On our intranet, we set up a discussion page to talk about how we can support mothers that are breastfeeding and many great resources were shared.
Most importantly, Bernadette Thomas, who received her doctor of nursing practice degree this spring just a few months after giving birth to her daughter Emma, wrote this wonderful blog post:
I breast feed my daughter because a mother’s milk is nutritious and it’s economical. Breastfed babies also have fewer food allergies and ear infections, and their poops are easier to clean! However, I was inspired to breastfeed by observing the amazing bond between all of the nursing mothers & children I see in the Clinton office.
CHC has been supportive of my decision to breastfeed, literally from day 1. I had a few visits with the hospital lactation consultant, but I admit that my husband and I left the hospital feeling confused! Our first stop after discharge was CHC of Middletown to meet with Amy Gagliardi. I needed a lot of continuing support in the first couple of months. Emma would choke and gag at the breast, and I was convinced I was doing more harm than good. I had a lot of support from both Amy, and Emma’s primary care provider.
Around 4 months things really started to click, and this was also when I started pumping. CHC has been supportive. I started with two 40 minute blocks, because initially pumping was a slow process. However, it was another opportunity to work with the CHC lactation consultant, Amy – and she quickly helped me to be more efficient.
So for all of you expectant mothers out there who are contemplating breastfeeding here is my advice. Make sure you have a good lactation consultant lined up, and know that you have access to CHC’s very own, Amy Gagliardi! It is also helpful to have a provider, either your babies or your own, who is supportive of and knowledgeable about breastfeeding. Before you come back to work, talk with your supervisor about taking breaks for pumping. You should tentatively plan to pump mid morning, at lunch and mid afternoon (but a lactation consultant can help you develop a pumping schedule). Your supervisor or our staff lactation consultant can also help you secure a clean and private place to pump.
Emma is 5 months old now and thriving. With a little support and the right information we can all meet the challenge of working and continuing to breastfeed.
CHC Enmployees are encouraged to join an ongoing discussion about breastfeeding on the company Intranet, and everyone is encouraged to check out some of these resources:
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