“It Will All Be Perfect”

“It Will All Be Perfect”

Last year, I heard a powerful song by a fairly unknown music entitled, “It Will All Be Perfect”.

I’ve spent my life just looking for a place that I belong
And no matter what I try to do, something always has gone wrong
No one’s taken time to know me and still loved me like you do
There’s no one in this world I’ll ever love as much as you
Still there’s a shame that’s deep within me I keep trying to ignore
But it will all be perfect baby, please don’t hit me anymore.

It always comes to mind when I speak with folks from New Horizons.  New Horizons is a program of Community Health Center, Inc., that provides domestic violence services.  If, you, or anyone you know, is in an abusive relationship, there is help.  New Horizon’s has a 24 hour domestic violence hotline. 

New Horizon’s also runs several peer support groups.  These are eight week sessions that help people with a step by step approach to recognizing different types of abuse, such as verbal and emotional abuse, in addition to physical abuse.  It helps people recognize differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships and red flags to look for.  People participating in the groups learn how to develop their own voice and what to look for before getting into new relationships.

A new group is starting in Middletown and people who are interested should call 860-344-9599 for more information.

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